Protests across the country flared up after the death of George Floyd.  The rage generated violence and damage to scores of State Street businesses.  Protests continue, but as they have calmed down, the plywood covering broken windows or protecting unbroken ones became the canvas for local artists.  As reported in a story in the Wisconsin State Journal,

[a]rmed with brushes, spray cans, ladders, tarps and feelings of anger, hope and love, artists have brought their talents over the last week to State Street to help turn bland canvasses of plywood into what may be one of the city’s largest, collective public works of art ever created. 

This gallery presents a variety of images from the length of State Street on the morning of June 15, 2020 in Madison, Wisconsin.  Click on any image to enlarge, then use arrow keys to move through the remaining images.

Read the accompanying story at The state of State Street.

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