Little things

Earlier this year I was in Everglades National Park hoping to see alligators sulking in the swamps or beautifully plumed birds in flight.  What did I photograph?  A grasshopper. 

I know nothing about grasshoppers.  Are they the same as locusts?  Maybe I could have taken a similar shot on a farm in Nebraska or a park bench in Wisconsin.  Should I have said, “Sorry, this is my day for alligators or birds, I’ll come back for you another day.”  Nope.  I was not on a paid assignment.  I was just a retired guy out for a walk.  When I’m out for a walk I take my camera along and photograph whatever the day offers up. On that day it offered me a very interesting and beautiful grasshopper.

Another day.  Same place — the Everglades.  Another walk to look at subtle swamp scenes and seek out exotic creatures.  A young family stood on the side of the trail and two young boys were fascinated by something.  As they turned to walk away I said hello and they quickly pointed out their find.  It was a colorful spider in the middle of a slightly tattered web.  The body was about an inch or so long and, with legs, it was 3+ inches long.  Another offer, another photograph.

A tour of my photo library reveals quite a few photos that may have started out in my head as mountains, lakes or wildlife.  But, they caught my eye, caught my fancy and ended up as the small gifts that were offered and accepted.  A few more are shown below.  They need no further explanation.

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