
On Washington Island there’s a small store — I don’t know its name — that sells what only can be described as “junk.” So, I guess I should just call it the junk store. As you drive from the ferry dock, the junk store is located on the south side of the road shortly before you reach the four-way stop sign by the Albatross. If you’d like to visit this establishment, be sure to check out its hours before you go. They are, after all, on Island time!

Actually, the time you arrive doesn’t really matter much; there’s no need to go inside the store. You can see many of its wares sitting outside on the ground or on tables and shelves. There are a wide variety of items that apparently are no longer of much use to their former owners. But, who knows, you just might happen upon something for which there’s the perfect place in your home!

Some of these things are actually quite pretty, like this blue wine pitcher sitting on a shelf between a somewhat water-stained picture and a hardly-used-looking basket. Other things like picture frames, kettle covers, chalk, bottles, Christmas lights, and assorted other items might not catch a shopper’s attention, but they all agreed to pose nicely for photographs.

A little golden angel candle holder might be nice to have. And who could resist that great “NO RKING ERE TO ORNER” sign?

I was curious to see how much a couple of the items might cost, but the store was closed and wouldn’t be open until, well, until it was open. So, upon further reflection, I decided to leave empty handed.

As I walked away, a song popped into my head. It was Paul McCartney singing: “Buy! Buy!” says the sign in the shop window. “Why? Why!” says the junk in the yard. If that song has not yet popped into your head, you might want to click on the play button below.

“Junk” by Paul McCartney

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Bye, bye says the guy driving by. Nice post Michael.

    1. Thanks, Tim. My thought when I took these pictures was “Why, why am I photographing junk?” But, I kind of like them anyway.

  2. Mike I don’t think I ever heard this song before but I think it should be my husbands theme song!

    1. The song was on Paul McCartney’s first solo album, “McCartney” which was released in 1970. If you can sell items on ebay, however, they can hardly be called junk!

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